en Weyl: 平方投票法是一种非常有趣的机制,它允许人们以更复杂的方式表达自己的偏好。我个人对于平方投票法的看法是,它是一种非常强大的工具,可以更好地反映人们的偏好,并且可以在某种程度上减少选民战略性投票的情况。但是,它也有一些限制,例如在多个候选人之间存在很大差距时,平方投票法可能无法很好地体现出这种差距。此外,平方投票法在计算和实施方面也存在一些挑战。总的来说,我认为平方投票法是一种非常有潜力的机制,但需要进一步的研究和实践来完善和优化它的应用。
民眾 Tim Colton 提問(彭博觀點專欄作家)
Q:我想請問您對於民主抗爭運動中的 Plurality 有何看法?您認為 Plurality 如何能夠在這些運動中發揮作用?
Glen:我认为在民主抗议运动中,Plurality 可以发挥非常重要的作用。首先,Plurality 强调了多元性和包容性的重要性,它可以帮助不同的群体和利益相关者凝聚在一起,共同推动变革。其次,Plurality 的协作技术可以帮助抗议者更好地组织和协调行动,使他们的声音更加有力量。最后,Plurality 的社群奖励机制可以激励更多的人参与到抗议运动中,共同推动社会变革。总的来说,Plurality 可以为民主抗议运动提供一种新的思维框架和行动路径,帮助人们更好地实现他们的诉求。
Plurality 後續活動資訊
在演讲的最后,Glen 还介绍了 Plurality 未来的一些活动。首先是 Plurality Summit 2024,这是一个将于2024年举办的大型活动,旨在促进多元宇宙的理念和实践。其次是 Plurality Salon,这是一个定期举行的活动,旨在聚集各界专家和学者,共同探讨多元宇宙的相关议题。这些活动将进一步推动 Plurality 的发展和应用。
I think generally the experiences I’ve heard about quadratic voting are quite positive. However, there have been some important challenges that have emerged.
One of them is that if you allow people to coordinate extensively, the groups that are able to coordinate extensively tend to dominate the quadratic voting process. This is true in other voting systems as well, as it is a well-known concept in democracy that coordinated interests dominate uncoordinated interests. But I think sometimes it can be even worse under quadratic voting, as trying to consider these social differences has become the sole reason for our move towards diversification, rather than just a simple radical market concept.
We have begun to realize the importance of incorporating social organization into this concept. Another challenge in Colorado is their decision to conduct secret voting because they are concerned about collusion issues. I think this is a big mistake because it is aimed at the legislators and goes against the public records laws that require transparency in their actions.
So I think this is a case where attempting to address collusion issues in a very simple way has caused many problems. This is another important lesson that I think we have learned.
Overall, these experiences are great for the general public, but I believe these challenges are pushing us towards truly exciting innovations in the next generation of voting technology, which will take into account how social groups operate in a quadratic function and ultimately incorporate these considerations. Thank you.
Q: I have a follow-up question… You mentioned the aspect of secrecy, as I think in Ethereum, we want to avoid bribery attacks… We designed Macy to conceal the voting type. But do you think this kind of secrecy is harmful or…?
Glen: I think the context of Ethereum is different from that of representative democracy, where representatives need to be able to communicate with their constituents. In theory, you can imagine a world, like liquid democracy on Ethereum, where your vote may be transparent to those who voted for you but hidden from others, and this may be an ideal information structure.
However, it is not easy to achieve in the real world, but it could be an interesting direction. I do think many people in the crypto world oversimplify this, thinking that solving coercion issues can be achieved simply by keeping your vote secret.
I believe this actually misses much of what happens in the actual voting process, both in standard voting and in the Ethereum world. Or, I know very little about how big of a problem it is or isn’t, to make strong statements.
But I think it is either naive to think that secret voting is a good thing or that it solves the strong problems that exist in modern advanced democratic countries, or it is naive to think that there are no bribery issues in the countries that adopt it.
This is based on a very simplistic model. In Latin America, for example, they have secret voting everywhere. Yet, there are still many acts of bribery. In reality, most of the time, bribery doesn’t require seeing the voter’s ballot, and people often engage in mail-in voting. Although this can be effective in showing one’s choices, it hasn’t resulted in widespread voter bribery. So, I think these things do work.
I think many cryptographers like to use these relatively simple models because they are clear and easy to understand. But they don’t actually capture the essence of the problem. I would encourage us to use these theories, but not obsess over them or think that they are the ultimate solution.
Tim Colton, Bloomberg Opinion columnist:
Q: I think many of the ideas in Plurality make a lot of sense, but they are too esoteric for the general public. It’s similar to many issues surrounding the crypto field, which go beyond just cryptocurrency. There are many good ideas and good technologies, but the general public cannot understand them, so they ignore them and focus on the failures that occur.
Of course, SBF is the most famous.
So my question is, can you ask everyone in this salon to have a conversation at the dinner table or over coffee with an ordinary person, like their Aunt Mary? What kind of conversation can they have to help them understand key concepts like Plurality so that they can internalize and relate to them? Because if these ideas want attention, we have to bring them into the broader society. It can’t just be us weirdos in this room.
So how can people sit down and have a very simple conversation with someone slightly above average intelligence so that they can internalize it and start spreading the gospel?
Glen: That’s a great question, and we have thought a lot about it and there are many different angles to approach it, but I will just give a few because of time constraints. We also discuss this more in the book. For each activity, you need to add an order of magnitude more people engaging in lower-intensity activities to support the participants in those activities.
My vision is that by 2030, one billion people… people outside the Chinese-speaking world will be aware of Audrey (Tang) or Plurality, and 10 million people will have seen a movie about Plurality or even about Audrey’s life, not just about abstract ideas.
The way Plurality emerges is like the Force in Star Wars. Nobody knows what the Force really is, but you know it’s just something floating around, and that’s cool.
Then, 10 million people spend an hour or more reading media content about these ideas; a million people read the book or become part of the broader Plurality community in some way; a hundred thousand people truly digest the contents of the book; ten thousand people join Discord and actively contribute; a thousand people feel confident enough to be the messengers who go out and speak about these ideas, not just at the dinner table, but more broadly.
We need many different levels of participation, not just people who fully understand it. We need many reinforcing structures at different levels of resolution, and each level and its subparts need different signals to understand. Stories about Taiwan, Audrey’s life story, my frustration with AI, my frustration with all these crypto scams, I want different things. This is a story that can cross political divides in the United States and easily convey to people.
Certainly, it must be a kind of attractive technical issue. However, you know, AI and crypto are also like that. We are used to having these mysterious technical things floating around. But as long as you have connections to those who know a little more, who are connected to those who know a little more, you create the kind of structure that political movements rely on.
And then we also need to pay very close attention to those who are capable of creating different political divides and rich structures. So, in our thinking about communication, what we’re doing is analyzing what the fault lines are in the network for each audience we have, where the boundaries are, and where the credibility and social capital of one domain cannot diffuse to another.
At a high level, we look at research, culture, politics, and business because these are very different domains. But within each of these domains, we think about what the internal divides are.
You know, in the political domain, it will be like the West versus other countries, and then you know, the left, right, and center, and all these types of factions, right? So, in each domain, we pay attention to the existing divisions and use the language relevant to that community for dissemination. That’s why we believe in translation, not just translation across languages, but translation across cultural backgrounds. We believe we will be able to create a book with different entry points, where some people may be interested in specific applications, and others may be interested in philosophy, and so on.
So, to address the challenges you mentioned, we need to reflect the Plurality that exists in our descriptions of the world when we communicate these ideas.
(Speech ends)
Plurality Follow-up Activities Information:
The Plurality Salon event on January 19 has successfully concluded. To allow more people to participate in discussions on the multiverse and learn about how to become contributors to the Plurality book, TempoX will continue to hold Plurality Salon events after the Lunar New Year. These events will include “Building Islands” and other activities to sustain the discussion on the multiverse until the “Plurality Summit 2024” in August. From August 6 to 8, the summit will invite Plurality global contributors and heavyweight guests to engage in cross-national panel discussions, discussing the future of the multiverse. To leave your mark in the Plurality Book and be an indispensable part of Taiwan’s visibility in the world, your contributions and participation are essential.
Plurality Summit 2024:
Date: August 6-8
Keynote Speakers:
– Vitalik Buterin, Co-founder of Ethereum
– Glen Weyl, Research Director at Microsoft’s Multidisciplinary Collaborative Research Center, Author of “Radical Markets,” Co-author of “Plurality”
– Audrey Tang, Co-author of “Plurality”
(Additional speakers to be announced)
Location: Nangang Exhibition Center
Official Website: https://plurality.abs.io/
Plurality Salon:
Event Name: “Building Islands”
Format: Lectures, book clubs, collaborative workshops, exchange tea parties (to be determined, to be announced for each event)
Time: After the Lunar New Year, starting in February, with one event per month
Physical Lecture Venue: TempoX (22F, No. 15-1, Section 1, Hangzhou South Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City)